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You have to make winning no other option. It's either you win or you win. What does winning look like? Here are 3 quick and easy-to-apply keys to winning that will help you to win in any area.

Donaldo Harris powerhouse senior life

1. Ladies and gentlemen if you want to win in any area you have to first start off by winning in your mindset. Are your thoughts taking you higher or bringing you down?

2. What are you saying to yourself and out loud? You hear you 24/7 so it's important that you speak well to yourself. Even if you are in a situation that looks negative, speak positively. Remember you have what you say.

3. Who are you spending time with? Get around people who have your answers and not your problems. If you want to become successful in any industry, get around the successful people in that industry.

Learn about a life-changing opportunity by watching this short clip here at

Check out success stories at and find out how the POWERHOUSE is taking their lives and their business to the next level.

Remember, you are worthy of success.

*Senior Life Insurance Company, Individual Results May Vary

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