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  • Writer's pictureDonaldo Harris

The Impossible is Possible

Possibilities happen every day. The definition of impossible is something that is not able to occur or exist. Belief is what makes impossibilities possible.

powerhouse millionaires Donaldo Harris

Nothing is impossible to the person who chooses to believe.

I didn't know how my team would get to $450,000 a month. It seemed impossible. I wrote down my goal and I put in the work to the best of my ability. It happened. The impossible became possible. Here are three tips that you can use to tap into the power of belief that can make the impossible, possible.

Write down your goals.

Set an expected time.

Do the work to the best of your ability.

Success is not automated. It takes time, effort, and belief. Belief affects every area of your life. Choose to believe today. Don't allow anything or anyone to stop you.

Remember, you are worthy of success.

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Tracy Corprew
Tracy Corprew
May 07, 2023

Love it, let’s go…….


Kesa Smith
Kesa Smith
May 06, 2023

Great information!

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