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Donaldo Harris

What steps are you taking to WIN? You need a plan to help you to become successful. Personal growth will make a huge difference. Here are 3 steps that can help you to get from where you are to where you want to be.

  1. BELIEVE- What do you believe? Believe that all things are possible. Believe that you can and you will. Believe that nothing can stop you. Most importantly believe in you. Confidence will take you through rejection, mishaps, and challenging times.

  2. GOAL SETTING-Do you have a goal(s)? Write your goals down. Speak your goals out loud at least 15 times a day. Place your goals where you can see them. Continue to do this until you see your goal manifest.

  3. COMMUNITY- Who are you around? You need someone who has the blueprint for where you want to be and you need to follow that blueprint. Community is important to your next-level destination.

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Remember, you are worthy of success.

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