Spend more time in your imagination creating your present. You can't change the past. Some people spend a lot of time in the past. How can you spend a lot of time in your past when your past is over? How you spend time in your past is by using your imagination. Dwelling on what you could have done, should have done or what if this or that would have never happened to you, keeps you in your past. What if you used your imagination for your present? What if you used your imagination to see yourself where you want to be, who you want to be and where you want to go.
Your imagination are the images that you see. The images that you see are either limiting you or empowering you. When you spend time in your past you are actually limiting yourself because you cannot change your past. You can only change your present. Use your imagination to empower change to your present condition or situation.
You spend time in your imagination by mentally seeing images of yourself that align themselves with the desires of your heart. What is it that you desire? Do you desire to be healthy, wealthy, or peaceful. Start imagining that. Imagine yourself enjoying healthy foods, imagine yourself in your dream house, imagine yourself in a position of rest. Spend more time mentally seeing yourself where you want to be and what you desire to have.
Your life will begin to change when your imagination changes. If you see yourself winning you will win. The body responds to the mind. This is why you should spend more time in your imagination creating your present. I challenge you today to start now imagining yourself where you see yourself. You may say well I have a good life, I don't need to do this. I'm here to tell you that good is good but there may be more for you, so get everything that belongs to you. You deserve it.
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