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  • Writer's pictureDonaldo Harris

Mindset + Vision = Success

Everything starts in your mind. Ladies and gentlemen your mindset matters. Ask yourself a question, "What are you thinking about daily?" Do you think about the negative things that are happening around you or maybe even to you? You can change your reality with your mindset. When you have vision you began to mentally get a picture of where you want to be and where you want to go.

See you can have a good vision or a bad vision. A good vision starts with making necessary gradual actions, that will eventually position you into the reality of what you have envisioned. Start first by writing your goals down. After you've written down your goals, post them in a place that you can always see them. Then speak your goals out loud. I challenge you to say them at least 15 times every day. This is how you begin to apply your mindset to your vision.

Success is not an accident, success is a choice. -Stephen Curry

I also recommend the book titled, "Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. Read and study the pages in the book. Begin to fill your mind with possibilities. Use your imagination to envision all the goals that you have written down being accomplished. I wish I could tell you that trouble won't come but it will. This is the time where you exercise everything that you have read and spoken.

Before I became a six figure earner in my industry, I practiced all of these principles. In order to reach the promise you must practice the principles. I train my team to apply the same principles that have given me success and those that have followed suit have experienced success in their life and in their business.

To learn more on how to be apart of a life changing opportunity with an elite group of leaders, you can connect with me at

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