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It's Possible!

Have you ever noticed that the word possible is also in the word impossible? You have to use the word possible anytime you use the word impossible. Keep that in mind.

It always seems impossible until it's done. Nelson Mandela

What do you believe about your current situation? Do you believe that it is impossible?

Do you believe that it is impossible to live the life that you are deserving of? Ladies and gentlemen remember that the word possible is there anytime you use the word impossible. It's time for you to tap into the power of belief.

powerhouse senior life Donaldo Harris

In the photo above are the six-figure ring earners of the POWERHOUSE Group with Senior Life Insurance Company.

Remember that what you believe will depend very much on what you are. ~ Noah Porter

Believe that the life that you are deserving of is possible. I remember when I first started in the final expense industry. There were days when it looked impossible, however, I stood the course of success. What does the course to success look like? I didn't quit when it was hard. I worked harder when times were harder. I decided in my mind that nothing was going to stop me. I wrote my goals down and I didn't stop until I saw them accomplished. That's my story, but what will your story be? Will it be that you quit or will be that you overcome?

I have an amazing opportunity to present to you and you can learn more about it here. Watch this short clip here at

Check out testimonials at and find out how the POWERHOUSE is taking their lives and their business to the next level.

Remember, you are worthy of success.

*Senior Life Insurance Company, Individual Results May Vary

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