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POWERHOUSE is a community of people driven by belief. We are one of the fastest growing agencies with Senior Life Insurance Company. We believe that success starts with you and your mindset. Here are 3 top reasons why you should join the POWERHOUSE.

powerhouse Donaldo Harris senior life
  1. You can work from anywhere.

If you have a phone, laptop, a desire to win and you are teachable, then you can win with the POWERHOUSE. Our setup is that of a virtual call center which means that you can work from the comfort of your home or from the comfort of anywhere. Not only can our team members receive inbound and outbound calls but they can also receive live help and support from our top leaders and six-figure earners. We are truly a team and we want to see everyone win.

powerhouse Donaldo Harris

2. We have an abundance of leads!!!

In our industry, the key to making the money that you desire to have is based on how many people you can show the product to. The people who contact our company for information are called leads. This means that the person who either called in, went online, or mailed in a letter wants information about how we can help them. We have leads in over 40 states which means that as long as you are licensed in those states then you can receive leads in that state. It's important to invest in leads.

powerhouse Donaldo Harris

3. Help families while earning unlimited.

We help families. The more families that you help, the more money that you can make. You can earn unlimited. That's right, unlimited! You can also create residual income. This means that you can earn income even when you are not working. This opportunity is life-changing.

Donaldo Harris

Learn more about this life-changing opportunity by watching this short clip here at

Check out testimonials at and find out how the POWERHOUSE is taking their lives and their business to the next level.

Remember, you are worthy of success.

*Senior Life Insurance Company, Individual Results May Vary

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