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FALL Into A NEW Level

Your new next level of success will definitely require intentionality and belief.

What is your belief? Do you believe that all things are possible to those who believe?

Here is your reminder this week. Make sure you are around people that are going in the direction that you want to go to. Success requires that you have a blueprint to follow. Follow those who have already walked the path.

As always I strongly encourage you to write your goals down. When you write your goals down, post them where you can see them. Also, make sure to say them at least fifteen times a day. Why fifteen times? So that your goals will stick to your memory and become a part of your subconscious mind.

Your mindset is where your next level begins. Think about what you want to see. Speak what you want to have,

Donaldo Harris

Learn about a life-changing opportunity by watching this short clip here at

Check out testimonials at and find out how the POWERHOUSE is taking their lives and their business to the next level.

Remember, you are worthy of success.

*Senior Life Insurance Company, Individual Results May Vary

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