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"I worked as a bartender for years. No one could tell me that I would ever deposit over $18,000 in my bank account in a month! Yes it happened, true story. I wanted to quit many days but Mr. Donaldo challenged me to believe in myself and I did."

Rachel B, MS

Unlock the leader within you through the "Power of Belief"


Developing. Relationships. Influencing. Visionaries. Empowering. Neighborhoods.

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Personal Development

Commit to daily reading to develop personal success.


Commit to a mentor. You cannot get you out of your situation. 

Write Your Goals

Commit to writing your goals. Writing down your goals gives you direction.

Tap into "The Power of Belief"

Stay updated with my weekly blog that will motivate and inspire you to believe.

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2024 by Donaldo Harris & POWERHOUSE Group, LLC 

*Senior Life Insurance Company, individual results may vary


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